Tuesday 10 December 2013

Unused front cover photos

 I like this photo however I think that we need to be able to see the models face more because it will be easier for the reader to recognise who the artist is.
 I like this photo however I feel like it doesn't link with my genre very well because there is nothing to tell the reader that it is a music magazine.
I dont like this image because it isn't that relative to  music magazine.
 I like this magazine because I feel like it fits the ideology of an Indie magazine because of the guitar and glasses. Also the denim jacket is quite Indie which again reminds the reader of the magazine genre.
 I dont think this photo is very good because it doesn't leave much room for text around the outside.
 I like this photo because it looks like the model is writing a song however I think I would use this on the double page spread rather than the front cover.
I think this image is okay however the lighting is quite dark and you cant see her face that well.

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